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Replay: KSEA: Investment Opportunities From the Blue Economy and Ocean

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

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Event Details:

Replay: KSEA: Investment Opportunities From the Blue Economy and Ocean
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

The blue economy is projected to expand at twice the rate of the mainstream economy by 2030, with the global economic output of the ocean currently standing at $2.4 trillion per year.1 If the ocean were a country, it would represent the world's seventh largest economy.1

Our newest ETF, the KraneShares Rockefeller Ocean Engagement ETF (ticker: KSEA), built through our partnership with Rockefeller Asset Management (Rockefeller) and The Ocean Foundation, offers direct exposure to this exciting opportunity. KSEA invests in public companies with significant impact on oceans and ocean resources. Its holdings include companies from diverse sectors such as aquaculture, commercial fishing, waste management, renewable energy, and logistics. Through KSEA, we are committed to shareholder engagement, and will work with its portfolio companies to improve their impact on the ocean.

Join KraneShares, Rockefeller Asset Management CIO Casey Clark, CFA, Portfolio Manager Rolando Morillo, and Ocean Foundation President Mark Spalding, as they discuss:

  • The KraneShares partnership with Rockefeller & Ocean Foundation
  • The KraneShares climate suite of ETFs and how KSEA fits
  • An overview & background on Rockefeller and Ocean Foundation
  • The science behind the strategy & how KSEA was developed
  • Comprehensive Q&A

1 CFP/CIMA Credit Available

Please email [email protected] to receive credit.

1. OECD, “Why should investors care about ocean health?” 1/27/2020,

For KSEA standard performance, top 10 holdings, risks, and other fund information, please click here.

For KMET standard performance, top 10 holdings, risks, and other fund information, please click here.

The webinar contains the speakers’ opinions. It should not be regarded as investment advice or recommendation of specific securities.

Holdings are subject to change. Securities mentioned do not make up the entire portfolio and, in the aggregate, may represent a small percentage of the funds.