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KraneShares’ Luke Oliver Spotlights KWEB & KRBN

The ETF Store - Luke Oliver joined Nate on The ETF Prime podcast to spotlight KWEB & KRBN, what Nate characterized as the two biggest funds of the year.

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Standard performance and top 10 holdings for each fund can be found here: KWEB, KRBN, KEUA, KCCA, KBA.

@0:01: KWEB is the largest China ETF in the US based on data from Bloomberg as of 11/23/21.

@0:49 & @13:17: Inflow data from Bloomberg as of 11/23/21.

@1:00: As of 12/2/2021, KRBN is a top 10 ETF launch based on year-to-date AUM inflow data from Bloomberg for all US ETF launches since 1/1/2020.

@6:45: Forecasts are based on generic carbon prices and are not referring to a specific carbon market. Data is compiled from sources including the UN, Bloomberg, the Biden administration, and the Bank of England.
