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The Global Carbon Transformation NYSE Highlight Reel

KraneShares recently held a Global Carbon Transformation Investor Day at the New York Stock Exchange. Throughout the event, we explored investment opportunities arising from policies and companies tackling global climate change through conversations between KraneShares strategists and experts in the field.

After an introduction from KraneShares CEO Jonathan Krane, the event began with our keynote speaker Nobel Laureate of Economics, Professor of Finance at NYU Stern School of Business, and Climate Finance Partners (CLIFI) Advisory Board Member, Robert Engle. Engle made both an environmental and investment case for why investors should consider incorporating carbon allowances in their portfolios.

Next, we had Luke Oliver, Managing Director and Head of Strategy at KraneShares, who moderated a discussion with Stephen Donofrio, Director of Ecosystem Marketplace and Supply Chain Initiatives at Forest Trends, Kathy Benini, Managing Director and Head of Carbon Markets at S&P Global, and Evan Ard, CEO of Evolution Markets. They discussed carbon allowances and offsets and how they present some of the best financial tools we have to reduce carbon emissions. They also emphasized the robust growth they've seen in value and liquidity within the secondary markets for carbon credits.

Afterward, we heard from Roger Mortimer, Portfolio Manager for the KraneShares Global Carbon Transformation ETF (Ticker: KGHG), and Michael Lee, CEO at Octopus Energy USA, as they explained the changing nature of energy production and consumption and how KGHG presents the unique opportunity to invest in companies aiming to be the low-carbon leaders of the future.

We also had a discussion led by Anthony Sassine, Senior Investment Strategist and electric vehicle (EV) expert at KraneShares, who was joined by Corey Cantor, Associate at BloombergNEF Electric Vehicles, and Matthew Hankey, Co-Founder, President, and CEO at New Energy Equity, LLC. They delved into the future of electrification, including the fast-growing EV ecosystem, its outlook for the next 20 to 30 years, and the further adoption of renewable energy sources like solar among developed countries.

The event concluded with Julian Daniels, Managing Director at KraneShares, Sarah Edwards, Senior Investment Director of Sustainable and Impact Investing at Cambridge Associates, Ian Smith, Director of Investments at the Nature Conservatory, and Rob Walker, Vice President at Jordan Parke. The panel discussed how they determine allocations for investor portfolios and find different opportunities from the investment themes discussed throughout the day.

Watch the highlight reel above to learn more about the event.

*Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss.

For standard performance, top 10 holdings, risks, and other fund information: KRBN, KEUA, KCCA, KGHG, KARS, KSET, KGRN, & KESG.