
Supply and Demand Dynamics in Carbon Allowance Markets: The Inflection Point and Beyond

By Oktay Kurbanov, Partner at CLIFI

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Supply and demand dynamics play a pivotal role in determining price direction in various markets, and carbon allowance markets are no exception. However, there are specific elements of supply and demand that are unique to carbon markets. We believe it’s important for investors to understand these dynamics as they approach adding a carbon allocation to their portfolio. Download our latest report by Oktay Kurbanov, Partner at CLIFI, to learn more.

Report Contents:

  • How governments have incentives and means through routine regulatory reforms to tighten the market supply to achieve their policy goals and ensure gradual price appreciation.
  • A deep dive into the supply evolution and outlook of the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) and the California cap and trade market.
  • How the four major compliance markets in the KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF (KRBN) present a compelling investment case as their current tightening paths continue to shrink excess supply and drive carbon prices higher.

For KRBN standard performance, top 10 holdings, risks, and other fund information, please click here.