Invest in Carbon: KraneShares Global Carbon Suite

Your source for carbon allowance, carbon credit, and carbon offset investment products & research

From carbon credits, carbon offsets, and carbon allowances to the latest auction results, new markets coming online, fund commentaries, and new product launches, the KraneShares carbon newsletter keeps you up to date on all things carbon investing related. KraneShares investment strategists compile our research through collaborating with the environmental finance experts at Climate Finance Partners, the non-discretionary sub-advisors to the KraneShares carbon suite.

Markets We Cover:

  • European Union Allowances (EUA)
  • California Carbon Allowances (CCA)
  • Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
  • United Kingdom Allowances (UKA)

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Investment Strategy

The KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF (KRBN) is benchmarked to the S&P Global Carbon Credit Index, which offers broad coverage of cap-and-trade carbon allowances by tracking the most traded carbon credit futures contracts. The index introduces a new measure for hedging risk and going long the price of carbon while supporting responsible investing. Currently, the index covers the major European and North American cap-and-trade programs: European Union Allowances (EUA), California Carbon Allowances (CCA), the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and United Kingdom Allowances (UKA).

Investment Strategy

The KraneShares European Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF (KEUA) provides targeted exposure to the European Union Allowances (EUA) cap-and-trade carbon allowance program. KEUA is benchmarked to the S&P Carbon Credit EUA Index, which tracks the most traded EUA futures contracts. As a part of the KraneShares suite of carbon ETFs, KEUA provides a new vehicle for participating in the price of carbon and hedging risk while supporting responsible investing and impact investment goals.

Investment Strategy

The KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF (KCCA) provides targeted exposure to the California Carbon Allowances (CCA) cap-and-trade carbon allowance program. KCCA is benchmarked to the S&P Carbon Credit CCA Index, which tracks the most traded CCA futures contracts. As a part of the KraneShares suite of carbon ETFs, KCCA provides a new vehicle for participating in the price of carbon and hedging risk while supporting responsible investing and impact investment goals.